Welcoming a new life into the world is one of the most profound moments in a person's life. With anticipation and excitement, the countdown begins to that magical day when you finally meet your little one. Understanding the importance of this journey, we've created a user-friendly Pregnancy Due Date Calculator to help you estimate the arrival of your bundle of joy.
First Day of Last Menstrual Period (LMP)
Conception Occured
(about two weeks after last menstrual period)
Dating Scan
(between weeks 7 and 12)
This scan will help to confirm your baby’s expected delivery date
NIPT Testing
(from week 10)
Screening for Down syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies.
Nuchal Translucency Scan
(approx. 12 weeks to 13.5 weeks)
Screening for Down syndrome and a review of baby’s development
Pre-eclampsia screening
(approx. 12 weeks to 13.5 weeks)
Detects 90% of pregnant women who will develop pre-eclampsia
Structural Scan
(between week 12 and 16)
Scan to review baby’s development
Morphology Scan
(between 19 – 20 weeks)
Detailed review of your baby’s complex organs
Estimated Due Date (EDD)
Growth Scan
(from 24 weeks)
Checks your baby’s health, position, size and growth
On , you are currently weeks days pregnant.